Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracIni

03/03/05 14:52:38 (20 years ago)



  • TracIni

    v1 v1  
     1= trac.ini Reference = 
     4Trac configuration is done by editing the ''trac.ini'' config file, located in {{{<projectenv>/conf/trac.ini}}}. 
     6This is a brief reference of available configuration options. 
     8== [project] == 
     9|| name   || Project name || 
     10|| descr  || Short project description || 
     11|| url    || URL to the main project website || 
     12|| icon   || URL to icon file to use as shortcut icon (favicon) || 
     13|| footer || Page footer text (right-aligned) || 
     15== [trac] == 
     16|| repository_dir  || Path to local Subversion repository || 
     17|| htdocs_location || Base URL for static Trac graphics and CSS files || 
     18|| database        || Database to use for this project || 
     19|| templates_dir   || Path of Clearsilver templates || 
     20|| default_charset || Source files uses this charset || 
     22== [logging] == 
     23|| log_type  || Logging facility to use. (none, file, stderr, syslog, winlog) || 
     24|| log_file  || If ''log_type'' is ''file'', this should be a path to the log-file || 
     25|| log_level || Level of verbosity in log (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG) || 
     27See also: TracLogging 
     29== [ticket] == 
     30|| default_version   || Default version for newly created tickets || 
     31|| default_severity  || Default severity for newly created tickets || 
     32|| default_priority  || Default priority for newly created tickets || 
     33|| default_milestone || Default milestone for newly created tickets || 
     34|| default_component || Default component for newly created tickets || 
     36See also: TracTicketsCustomFields 
     38== [attachment] == 
     39|| max_size || Maximum allowed file size for ticket and wiki attachments || 
     41== [notification] == 
     42|| smtp_enabled   || Enable SMTP (email) notification (true, false) || 
     43|| smtp_server    || SMTP server to use for email notifications || 
     44|| smtp_from      || Sender address to use in notification emails || 
     45|| smtp_replyto   || Reply-To address to use in notification emails || 
     46|| smtp_always_cc || Email address(es) to always send notifications to || 
     47|| always_notify_reporter || Always send notifications to any address in the ''reporter'' field || 
     49See also: TracNotification 
     51== [header_logo] == 
     52|| src    || URL to image to use as header logo || 
     53|| link   || Destination URL to link to from header logo || 
     54|| alt    || ''alt'' text for header logo || 
     55|| width  || Header logo width in pixels || 
     56|| height || Header logo height in pixels || 
     58== [mimeviewer] == 
     59|| enscript_path || Path to Enscript program || 
     61== [timeline] == 
     62|| changeset_show_files || Number of files to show (-1 for unlimited, 0 to disable) || 
     64== [diff] == 
     65|| tab_width || Displayed tab width in changeset diffs || 
     69See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin